I started with an earlier post on the Sydney business, W.F.Omodei Pty. Ltd with some of the many catalogues from UK and other countries trade houses, for Reg Hardy who was the manager for such a long time and the final owner, was an inveterate writer to these companies seeking products, distribution rights etc, making up some hand made data books, which were for the use of himself and his staff to identify parts required from counter and mail order inquiries to assist with sales. They are fascinating for this use, but now form a very useful reference tool... As well they had made up catalogues to the trade and this one I'm posting from is a little difficult to date but I feel sure is from the late 1920's into the early 1930's. The address for them on the catalogue is "Wembley House", Central Square, Sydney, NSW. I've chased up "Wembley House" and the following picture from a website shows it at 841 George St. Haymarket which is close to Railway Square the possible later name for Central Square...
They finally moved into Pitt St. just around the corner and were there until they were given notice to vacate by the land lord in the 1990's, The Australian Gas Light Co. Reg Hardy then considered it was time to retire and W.F.Omodei Pty. Ltd was no more.
Acknowledgement of items used in this Blog from my archive...
I often feature items from older Motorcycle magazines, including photographs and other drawings, cartoons etc in my Blog. Where possible I acknowledge their source. These items are often from "MotorCycle" and "MotorCycling", and the current copyright holders are Mortons Motor Cycle Media. I thank them for their use.
Where other sources are used such as Fox Photos, Keystone Press and other now defunct press agencies from the UK and elsewhere I attempt to acknowledge their source.
You are free to use any item from my Blog, but PLEASE give credit to the source.
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A photo I like....!
BMS in 1961 aboard a road test Velocette Venom Clubman Veeline
DQs Thruxton in the 1971 Castrol 6 hour Race, Amaroo Park,Sydney.
My co-rider, Dennis Fry, looking the consumate racer,probably the last to use a pudding basin helmet in competition...
DQs Thruxton in the 1971 Castrol 6 hour Race, Amaroo Park,Sydney.
DQ aboard his VMT during the first 2 hour stint, pictured in Brabham loop
VMT458 at the 2012 Australian Velocette Owners Club National Rally at Bundanoon, NSW.
DQ reunited with VMT458 after 32 years
VMT458 at the 2012 National Velocette Owners Club Rally at Bundanoon, NSW
Dennis Fry re-united with VMT458, DQs co-rider in the 1971 Castrol 6 hour race
Ready for another US Velo Ride
My 1962/1948 KSS/Scrambler Velo road bike, built in Canada in 1976 and imported into Sydney, Australia, May 2012 for use in local Australian Velo events......
DQ on his Velo Special
Riding in the Napa, Cal. area May 2010
DQ on his second KSS engined RS framed Velocette
Velo Thruxton at speed
North American Velo OC logo used for one of the Club's annual rally and rides
I've motorcycled since the early 1960s...both in Australia, the USA,NZ and UK to where my long suffering wife and I rode a 1972 BMW R50/5 motorcycle via the overland route through Asia in 1974. Careers in Animal Physiology and Automotive Instruments and now finally semi retired into music...as a banjoist in Trad./Dixieland Jazz bands.
Life for me is very interesting......